♣ Please introduce yourself briefly.
♣ Have you ever been abroad?
♣ Why do you want to be a flight attendant/ ground staff?
♣ How much do you know about our company?
♣ Can you tell you about your personality?
♣ What do you think a good flight attendant should be?
♣ What would you do if passengers couldn't understand you?
♣ What can you do for us that others can't?
♣ What are your future plans?
♣ Can you accept a job that requires weekend shifts?
♣ Give me an example of a time when you dealt with a customer who made an unrealistic or unreasonable demand.
♣ Tell me about a time that you dealt with an angry customer or client. What would you have done differently?
♣ Tell me about the last time you lost your patience at work.
♣ Describe a conflict you had with a coworker. How did you resolve the conflict?
♣ Describe a stressful situation in which you had to use your verbal communication skills to resolve the issue.
♣ How would you deal with a passenger who refused to follow the rules (keeping his seat belt buckled, etc.)?
♣ Imagine you saw two passengers disputing over their seats. How would you handle this?
♣ Imagine you see a passenger being deliberately rude to another flight attendant. How would you deal with this situation?
♣ Why do you want to work for our airline in particular?
♣ What do you believe makes excellent customer service?
♣ Why are flight attendants essential on an aircraft?