226. Farm dwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locate companions in play but also, thanks to the unending demands and pressures of their work, felt it necessary to combine fun with purpose.
The phrase "thanks to " is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) grateful for
(B) help with
(C) because of
(D) machines for

227. The most eagerly anticipated social events were the rural fairs. Hundreds of men, women, and children attended from far and near.
The phrase "eagerly anticipated" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) well organized
(B) old-fashioned
(C) strongly opposed
(D) looked forward to

228. Although the phlogiston theory was self-consistent, it was awkward because it required that imaginative, even mysterious, properties be ascribed to phlogiston.
The word "properties" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) interpretations
(B) locations
(C) characteristics
(D) virtues

229. Although the phlogiston theory was self-consistent, it was awkward because it required that imaginative, even mysterious, properties be ascribed to phlogiston.
The phrase "ascribed to" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) analyzed and isolated in
(B) returned to their original condition in
(C) assumed to be true of
(E) diagrammed with

230. In the eighteenth century, Antoine Lavoisier, on the basis of careful experimentation was led to propose a different theory of burning, one that required a constituent of air-later shown to be oxygen-for combustion.
The word "constituent" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) component
(B) opposite
(C) principle
(D) temperature

231. Since the weight of the oxygen is always added, the weight of the products of combustion, including the evolved gases, would always be greater than the weight of the starting material.
The word "Since" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) later
(B) because
(C) during
(D) although

232. Iron production was revolutionized in the early eighteenth century when coke was first used instead of charcoal for refining iron ore.
The word "revolutionized" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) quickly started
(B) gradually opened
(C) dramatically changed
(D) carefully examined

233. Apart from its low cost, the appeal of iron as a building material lay in its strength, its resistance to fire, and its potential to span vast areas.
The word "appeal" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) adjustment
(B) assignment
(C) attraction
(D) attempt

234. Significantly, the use of exposed iron occurred mainly in the new building types spawned by the Industrial Revolution: in factories, warehouses, commercial offices, exhibition halls, and railroad stations, where its practical advantages far outweighed its lack of status.
The word "spawned" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) created
(B) maintained
(C) rejected
(D) exposed

235. Designers of the railroad stations of the new age explored the potential of iron, covering huge areas with spans that surpassed the great vaults of medieval hurches and cathedrals.
The word "surpassed" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) imitated
(B) exceeded
(C) approached
(D) included

236. Their composition is thought to be similar to that of Earth's iron core, and indeed they might have once made up the core of a large planetoid that disintegrated long ago.
The word "core" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) center
(B) surface
(C) mineral
(D) field

237. When meteorites fall on the continent, they are embedded in the moving ice sheets. At places where the glaciers move upward against mountain ranges, meteorites are left exposed on the surface.
The word "embedded" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) isolated
(B) encased
(C) enhanced
(D) enlarged

238. The pale, smooth desert plain provides a perfect backdrop for spotting meteorites, which are usually dark brown of black.
The word "spotting" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) removing
(B) identifying
(C) cooling
(D) falling

239. A pioneering set of experiments has been important in the revolution in our understanding of animal behavior-a revolution that eroded the behaviorist dogma that only humans have minds.
The word "dogma" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) evaluation
(B) proof
(C) intention
(D) belief

240. These experiments were designed to detect consciousness ---
The word "detect" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) imitate the behavior of
(B) provide a reason for
(C) discover the presence of
(D) report a need for

241. The scientific investigation of an experience as private as consciousness is frustratingly beyond the usual tools of the experimental psychologist. This may be one reason that many researchers have shied away from the notion of mind and consciousness in nonhuman animals.
The phrase "shied away from" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) approached
(B) avoided
(C) respected
(D) allowed

242. Gallup' report of the experiment, published in a 1970 article, was a milestone in our understanding of animal minds, and psychologists wondered how widespread self-recognition would prove to be.
The word "milestone" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) significant development
(B) initial step
(C) universal concept
(D) obstruction to progress

243. Biological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue only in the past two decades.
The word "critical" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) negative
(B) essential
(C) interesting
(D) complicated

244. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is jolting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems.
The word "jolting" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) predicted
(B) shocking
(C) unknown
(D) illuminating

245. However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment.
The word "magnitude" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) concern
(B) determination
(C) carelessness
(E) extent

246. The conservatism of the early English colonists in North American, their strong attachment to the English way of doing things, would play a major part in the furniture that was made in New England.
The phrase "attachment to " is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) control of
(B) distance from
(C) curiosity about
(D) preference for
247. The mortise is the hole chiseled and cut into one piece of wood, while the tenon is the tongue of protruding element shaped from another piece of wood so that it fits into the mortise; and another small hole is then drilled (with the auger) through the mortised end and the tenon so that a whittled peg can secure the joint-thus the term "joiner.
?br /> The word "protruding" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) parallel
(B) simple
(C) projecting
(D) important

248. Locks and escutcheon plates-the latter to shield the wood from the metal key-would often be imported.
The word "shield" in line 23 closest in meaning to
(A) decorate
(B) copy
(C) shape
(D) protect

249. The establishment of these posts opened new roads and provided for the protection of daring adventurers and expeditions as well as established settlers.
The word "daring" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) lost
(B) bold
(C) lively
(D) foolish

250. Throughout the wilderness, post bands provided entertainment and boosted morale.
The word "boosted" is closest in meaning to which of following?
(A) influenced
(B) established
(C) raised
(D) maintained


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