1. For each seminar,we have to register and pay before the registration date on which the seminar _________

(A) begin (B) began (C) begins (D)beginning


2. The company profits _______ dramatically last year.

(A) rose (B) risen (C) rise (D)raised


3. The news _______ by the time the error was found.

(A) has already been released (B) already releases (C) already released (D)had already been released


4. Some service fees will be_______ whenever a client withdraws money from the account.

(A) charge (B) change (C) charging (D)charged


5. Responsibility, along with communication skills, ____ required for our candidates.

(A) is (B) are (C) be (D) is to


6. If I _______ the company, I would have hired him.

(A) owned (B) own (c ) have owned (D)had owned


7. ________ the agent said the market was healthy, he refused to invest more money in stock.

(A) In addition (B) Since (C) Even though (D)However


8. The principal suggested _______ an anti-drug campaign for students.

(A) to launch (B) launching (C) launch (D)launched


9. This program is ______ selling software on the market in Asia.

(A) fastest (B) faster (C) the fast (D)the fastest


10. The _________ report has been sent to the headquarters this morning.

(A) complete (B) completed (C) completing (D)competent


11. Although his speech was very ________, many found it too boring.

(A) interest (B) interested (C) interesting (D)interestingly


12. Many students from medical schools want to be a doctor _____ annual income is higher than that of a nurse.

(A) who (B) which (C) that (D)whose


13. Your reports can be sent _________or by mail.

(A) electron (B) electrical (C) electronically (D)electronic


14. The _________of the passengers will transfer at this airport.

(A) most (B) major (C) majority (D)more


15. Make checks ______ to A &D Co.

(A) payable (B) paying (C) paid (D)payment


16. He was disappointed to hear that his proposal was ________.

(A) turned up (B) turned down (C) turned over (D)turned on


17. ______ two centuries, the diamond has been used as the symbol of the love.

(A) Since (B) For (C) In (D) From


18. Nathen, I've made some changes to the sketches for the box design, per your previous instruction. Specifically, I've changed dimensions of main design ________on four sides of the box.

(A) which appearing (B) that appears (C) who is appearing (D) appears


19. The major issue we face is _________ within the next month our spending will exceed the budget.

(A) the fact that (B) coming from (C) rather than (D) the point at which


20. Enclosed with this letter is a pre- addressed, stamped envolope _________ to mail your application for membership to our club.

(A) which (B) in which (C) what (D) whenever


21. Only Speedy Shipping offers a variety of delievery options that _________ both air and sea transportation.

(A) are utilized (B) utilize (C) utilization (D) utilizing


22. Please tell the person in charge to let us know _________ the assessment forms have been completed by the participants.

(A) when (B) that (C) what (D) whatever


23. _________ the minimum wage has increased in some countries over past few years,it is still bellow poverty level in many places.

(A) Even (B) That (C) Whereas (D) Despite


24. We are terribly sorry for the error in your account and will make the necessary _________

(A) adjust (B) adjustment (C) adjusting (D) adjusted


25. The most prestigious_________ has an agreement to build a new skyscraper in N.Y.

(A) contract (B) contraction (C) distraction (D) contractor



6-10 DCBDB

11-15 CDCCA

16-10 BBBAB

21-25 BACBD





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