1. The internet service provider requests that subscribers _________ certain that their systems are protected with a reliable anti-virus.

(A) made  (B) making  (C) make  (D) to make


2. If plans _________ made sooner, Gilbert & Sons would be conducting the feasibility study for the Safeway Water Project by now.

(A) were being  (B) was being  (C) had been  (D) have been


3. If the client had come on time , these negotiations _________ completed by now.

(A) would be

(B) would have been

(C) would not be

(D) wouldn't have been


4. After consulting with a systems analyst, they were able to pinpoint what office procedures should be _________ .

(A) streamlining

(B) streamlined

(C) streamline

(D) to streamline


5. _________ the mailing of the package, you will need to add five dollars more to the shipping fee.

(A) To expedite

(B) Expedited

(C) To be expedited

(D) Will expedite


6. A new printer for the faculty room _________ purchased as soon as the requisition slip is signed.

(A) will be

(B) would be

(C) had been

(D) has been


7. The stylish new mobile phones are the best-selling products the company has designed in the _________ year.


(B) past

(C) following

(D) future


8. Management was informed that the shipment from the branch office in Paris _________ the following Thursday.

(A) arriving

(B) would arrive

(C) have arrived

(D) has arrived


9. The reason _________ were so many people in the office yesterday was because the CEO held interviews for a new assistant.

(A) it

(B) they

(C) that

(D) there


10. The cheap cost of labor in developing countries _________ as a motive for companies to move production overseas.

(A) is seen

(B) has seen

(C) see

(D) seeing


11. Real estate values have been _________ from year to year in most parts of the United States.

(A) rise

(B) rose

(C) risen

(D) rising


12. The federal government, along with the cooperation of leading industrial companies _________ to create more jobs for skilled workers.

(A) is pushing

(B) are pushing

(C) pushing

(D) have been pushing


13. It is _________ that with the glut of digital products coming into the market the electonics industry is entering a challenging phase.

(A) cleared

(B) clearly

(C) clearest

(D) clear


14. The recent meeting between the two companies _________ that a deal is near.

(A) imply

(B) implies

(C) was implied

(D) implied


15. While Harman's used to _________ imported furniture, it is now sticking to local products to avoid the hassles of customs.

(A) have sold

(B) sold

(C) sell

(D) selling


16. The value of the dollar _________ yesterday against the Japanese yen after skirmishes in the Middle East died down.

(A) rising

(B) to rise

(C) risen

(D) rose


17. The canned chicken soup manufacturer insists that all the cans _________, regardless of losses to the company.

(A) recall

(B) recalling

(C) be recalled

(D) are recalled


18. My stock broker _________ me about a safe investment plan that would secure my financial future.

(A) gave

(B) told

(C) suggested

(D) recommended


19. A notice about the vacancy _________ on the company message board.

(A)were posted

(B) have posted

(C) to post

(D) will be posted


20. When making a presentation,_________ discussing matters already known to the audience.

(A) to avoid

(B) avoids

(C) avoiding

(D) avoid


21. Dr. Wilson will attend the workshop to moderate a panel discussion _________ ethics of new medical technology.

(A) by

(B) to

(C) on

(D) whin


22. The director wants all of the items shipped by the end of the week, _________ of the cost.

(A) regardless

(B) regard

(C) regarding

(D) regarded


23. Make sure that copies of the agenda and the annual report _________ into the envolopes for each of the directors.

(A) put

(B) have put

(C) have been put

(D) are putting


24. The company's lawyer will know _________ to do in this situation, so let's make an appointment to see him.

(A) which

(B) that

(C) what

(D) where


25. We will be holding a meeting this afternoon to decide _________ needs to be revised before the report goes to point.

(A) what

(B) those

(C) whether

(D) there





1-5 C C A B A

6-10 A B B D A

11-15 D A D B C

16-20 D C B D D

21-25 C A C C A



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